Regional Building Department web accounts
Regular visitors of this site are encouraged to sign up for a free web account, which will
give you access to additional features. The benefits and features of free accounts are described below, along with
the additional features that are available if you add a subscription to your account.
If you can logon to our website, you already have
a free account. Check below for a description of what you can do with your account.
Contractor web account
VIDEO HELP: How to create a Contractor web account
Create a Contractor web account
All contractors with a Regional Building Department Contractor ID # are encouraged to sign up
for a free web account. (To sign up, just click the Create Account menu option at the top of the page, select "Contractor" as type of account and follow the directions.) This website provides many useful features to Contractors free of charge.
When logged on with your free Contractor web account you can:
- Purchase permits online (excluding permits that require plan approval). Multiple permits can be added to your
permit queue, and you can pay for them all at once.
- Request Inspections (inspection requests can also be cancelled online if done before 8:30am the day of the inspection)
- View real time information about all your current permits (this information can be exported to Excel), including any associated Plan Images in PDF format and the legal copy of the permit information
- View real time information about all your open Inspection requests and completed inspections. This includes real-time information about what # inspection the inspector is currently on,
and approximately how far away the inspector currently is. You can email the Inspector about any inspection results by clicking on the Inspector's name on the Permit Details page.
- View/print receipts for all your transactions with Regional Building Department, whether online or not
- Monitor status of your licenses and obligations, with warnings on home page of pending expiration
- The Contractor home page will also display a list of any permits that have been administratively closed (these will need to be handled before you
can renew your license), as well as a warning list of any permits that will soon be administratively closed if an inspection is not completed soon.
- Renew Administratively closed permits online
- Access your Contractor information and request inspections from a mobile device such as a Blackberry.
- Manage your web account, including the ability to change your password any time and customize the site by selecting a new color scheme (Under Profile menu on home page)
- Optionally save payment account information (credit card or bank ACH), to make it faster, easier and more secure to purchase permits. Your account
information is encrypted and can not be viewed by anyone except Western Union, which handles our online transactions. You can manage your payment accounts and update or delete accounts any time. (Under Profile menu on home page)
- Contact Tech Support. The Contact Support link on the Contractor home page is a direct line to the RBD IT staff, and is usually the fastest way
to receive help if anything goes wrong.
Benefits of adding a Subscription to your Contractor web account
By adding a subscription to a Contractor account (for $19.95/month), you will gain access to additional features and data.
These include:
- Access to all Plan Images in PDF format (instead of just plans for your own permits).
Help: How to find Plan Images
- Export to Excel is enabled for all pages (instead of just for your own data)
- Access to regularly updated Reports on Permits and Plans in tab-delimited format. (Other reports, such as the Government Building Report are available free of charge to the public.)
- Ability to bookmark any permit or plan to easily monitor them from your home page
- Access to additional Mapping and other features beyond what the free account offers
To sign up for a subscription, logon with your Contractor account first and either click the "Find out about Subscriptions" link or go to Profile>Subscribe on the menu.
Web accounts for other Businesses
To sign up for a free account, click the Create Account menu option at the top of the page, and select Other Business as the type of account.
When logged on with your free web account you can:
- Manage your web account, including the ability to change your password any time and customize the site by selecting a new color scheme (Under Profile menu on home page)
- Contact Tech Support. The Contact Support link on the Contractor home page is a direct line to the RBD IT staff, and is usually the fastest way
to receive help if anything goes wrong.
Web accounts for Homeowners
Create a Homeowner web account
Homeowners can optionally sign up for a free web account to purchase permits, request inspections and monitor inspection results.
Permits can be purchased online, over the phone or by coming to the Building Department in person.
To sign up for a free account, click the Create Account menu option at the top of the page, and select Homeowner as the type of account.
When logged on with your free web account you can:
- Bookmark properties owned by you to more easily monitor permit activity on them
- Purchase permits online for properties you both own and reside in. (Note: To purchase permits online, you must first sign up for a free web account and second add in the address of your primary residence, following the instructions after logging on. Permits can also be purchased over the phone (using credit card or ACH) or by coming to the Building Department in person.)
- View/Print the Legal copy for your permits
- Request or Cancel Inspection Requests for your permits
- Manage your web account, including the ability to change your password any time and customize the site by selecting a new color scheme (Under Profile menu on home page)
- Contact Tech Support. The Contact Support link on the Contractor home page is a direct line to the RBD IT staff, and is usually the fastest way
to receive help if anything goes wrong.
Benefits of adding a Subscription to your Other Business or Homeowner web account
This website contains a wealth of information useful for business purposes. Much of it is available for free, but
subscribers will gain access to additional information in an easier to use format. There are two different subscription
options for other businesses: Basic ($19.95/month) and Premium ($39.95/month). With a subscription, you can:
- Export to Excel is enabled for all search results to make it easier to save and analyze data
- Access to regularly updated Reports on Permits and Plans in tab-delimited format. (Other reports, such as the Government Building Report are available free of charge to the public.)
- Ability to bookmark any permit or plan to easily monitor them from your home page
- Access to additional Mapping and other features beyond what the free account offers
- View/print receipts for all your online subscription transactions
- Optionally save payment account information (credit card or bank ACH), to enable your subscription to be renewed automatically each month. Your account
information is encrypted and can not be viewed by anyone except Western Union, which handles our online transactions. You can manage your payment accounts and update or delete accounts any time. (Under Profile menu on home page)
- (Premium Subscription) Access to all Plan Images in PDF format. See the following help link to learn how to see which plan images are available.
Help: How to find Plan Images
To sign up for a subscription, first create a free web account. After logging on either click the "Find out about Subscriptions" link or go to Profile>Subscribe on the menu.